Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification
Physics Quiz on Sunday Module 8-Lesson 2-until p:191+ extra notes in class
Dear students, kindly study well for the Biology Quiz “Module 8-Lesson 2: Photosynthesis” that will be held on Monday 25/3/2024.
****Study for your French assessment on Sunday 24/03/2024 (le lexique des aliments dans la fiche +livre p 51 ton dico)

Grade: الأول ثانوي / B

DATE: 24-mar-2024 /

WEEK : 4

MathematicsAL11.6: Solving Quadratic Equations by Using the Quadratic Formula. Pg. 647-654.Check assignments on EDUNATION for the link: https://www.ixl.com/math/algebra-1/solve-a-quadratic-equation-usingsquare-roots?signInRedirect=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ixl.com%2Fsignin%2Fnajdnational
Arabicمهارات بناء الموضوع
English IIGrammar: Module 7: Passive and Active voice.
Computer IICh5:Lesson 1:Defining IOT
French IIModule 3: Grammaire; les articles partitifs (livre p 39 ex :7 + p 46 ex :1,2 + livre p 70 ex :2 + Assessment dictée
PhysicsPhysics Quiz on Sunday Module 8-Lesson 2-until p:191+ extra notes in class
Islamic Studiesالحدديث الأول : " مثل ما بعثني الله به ... "
MathematicsGL11.1: Areas of Quadrilaterals.
Pg. 629-638.
Social Studiesالصين
BiologyBiology Quiz in “Module 8-Lesson 2: Photosynthesis”
English II-Grammar : Module 7: Passive and Active voice
-Writing .
Social Studies II (E)Chapter 7; The East Asian World:1400-1800
Lesson 3; The Kingdoms of Korea and Southeast Asia
Islamic Studiesالحديث الثاني : " من سن في الإسلام سنة ... "
MathematicsGL11.1: Areas of Quadrilaterals.
Pg. 629-638.
Selected Practices Pg. 635-636.
BiologyModule 14 - Lesson 1 - Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
ChemistryQuiz 1
Quiz material: Module 8 Lesson 1: Reactions and Equations
Islamic Studiesالحديث الثالث : " إن الحلال بين وإن الحرام بين ... "
MathematicsGL11.2: Areas of Regular Polygons.
Pg. 639-646
Arabicتابع مهارات بناء الموضوع
BiologyModule 14 - Lesson 1 - Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
PhysicsModule 8-Lesson 2
Islamic Studiesمراجعة لما تم دراسته
MathematicsGL11.2: Areas of Regular Polygons.
Pg. 639-646
Worksheet Week 4.
Arabicنشاطات التعلم
Social Studiesتابع الصين
English IILiterature: The Hawk Can Soar BOTH SESSIONS
Social Studies II (E)Chapter 7; The East Asian World:1400-1800
Lesson 3; The Kingdoms of Korea and Southeast Asia
The 7 Habits
French IIModule 3: Co+Ce ; les bonnes recettes d’Akiko (Livre p 40 ex :1,2,3,4)