Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification
Chemistry quiz on Thursday 28/3/2024.
Physics Quiz on Tuesday Module 4-Lesson 2 +Notes
Math Quiz #1 on Wednesday March 28, in the Geomtery Book, lessons : 4.4 - 4.5 - 4.6.

Grade: الثالث متوسط / B

DATE: 24-mar-2024 /

WEEK : 4

English IWriting: Cause and Effective
MathematicsGL5.2: Congruent Triangles Pg. 297-300
Arabicالصنف اللغوي : أسم الآلة ص 64
حل تطبيقات الكتاب
حل ورقة العمل
حل ورقة العمل
Social Studies I (E)Chapter 30: World War II and the Holocaust, 1939–1945
Lesson 4: The New Order and the Holocaust
French IModule 3 : Compréhension; Zap collège (livre p 42 ex :1,2,3)
Islamic Studiesقرآن غيب ( تسميع سورة المرسلات من الآية ٤١ إلى الآية ٥٠
English IWriting: Cause and Effective
MathematicsGL5.2: Congruent Triangles Pg. 301-302
GL5.4: Proving Triangles Congruent: ASA, AAS Pg. 305-308
Arabicاختبار القصة
Social Studies I (E)Chapter 30: World War II and the Holocaust, 1939–1945
Lesson 4: The New Order and the Holocaust
ChemistryShort assessment in the lesson: Electron configuration .
Explain a new lesson Module 5 , Lesson 2.
Islamic Studiesسورة طه من الآية ٧٧-٨٢
English IWriting: Cause and Effective
MathematicsGL5.4: Proving Triangles Congruent: ASA, AAS Pg. 313-316
Arabicالرسم الكتابي :
رسم آية أو حديث أو بيت شعري
بخط الرقعة ص 61
تطبيق على ورقة العمل
Social Studiesالانجاز الذاتي
Computer ICh6: Lesson 1: Exploring the welcome screen of code block.
PhysicsPhysics Quiz on Tuesday Module 4-Lesson 2 +Notes
Islamic Studiesتفسير سورة الأنبياء. ٣٠-٣٥
English ILiterature: Unit 5 “I Have a Dream” Speech by Martin Luther King Jr., pp. 464–477
MathematicsQuiz #1 in the Geomtery Book, lessons : 4.4 - 4.5 - 4.6.
Social Studiesالاقتصاد الوطني
BiologyModule 7 Lesson 1: LAB
Social Studies I (E)Chapter 30: World War II and the Holocaust, 1939–1945
Lesson 4: The New Order and the Holocaust
Islamic Studiesتفسير سورة الأنبياء. ٥١-٥٨
English ILiterature: Unit 5 “I Have a Dream” Speech by Martin Luther King Jr., pp. 464–477
MathematicsGL5.4: Proving Triangles Congruent: ASA, AAS Pg. 317-318
BiologyModule 7 Lesson 1:Basic cell types
French IModule 3 : Grammaire ; les adjectifs de caractère (livre p 43 ex :4,5)
PhysicsModule 4-Lesson 3
ChemistryChemistry quiz . Material to study: Module 4, Lesson 3: Electron configuration,Eid Fitr Mubarak! Enjoy!