Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification
You are required to do a research (details will be sent on Edunation) and the submission due date is Thursday 16/5/2024

Grade: الرابع إبتدائي / B

DATE: 31-mar-2024 /

WEEK : 5

MathematicsEid Vacation
Scienceeid vacation
MathematicsL13.4: Measure Area
Pg. 845- 848
Holy Qur'anحفظ سورة الانشقاق21-25
Arabicتدريبات لغوية
حل ورقة العمل ص 5
ScienceUnit 3 : lesson 1 : map earth’s landscape pages 24-25
Words with /Ǝn/
P.B , Pages: 307 – 308

Adverbs that tell When, Where, and How
P.B , 302 & 304
- Study for the dictation on Thursday 18/4/2024. PB Page 308
- Do PB Page 309

-Practice reading the text “Energy Island”

- Do PB Page 305
MathematicsL13.5: Relate Area and Perimeter
Pg. 851- 852
L13.4: Measure Area
Solve Pg. 849- 850
Arabicتدريبات لغوية
حل ورقة العمل ص 6
حل ورقة العمل ص7
FrenchGrammaire: les verbes du premier groupe ( L'aventure de metallix)
Livre: « Méthode de français » page 25
ScienceUnit 3 : lesson 1 worksheet

Unit 3 : evidence from rocks and fossils page 29-30
Compare & contrast
Prompt 2 Pages 21-22 (final draft)
-Practice reading the text “Energy Island”
Islamic Studiesالبعد عن الكلام السئ حفظ الحديث
MathematicsL13.5: Relate Area and Perimeter
Pg. 853- 854
L13.5: Relate Area and Perimeter
Solve Pg. 855- 856
Holy Qur'anتلاوة سورة الحاقة19-24
Arabicنصّ الاستماع
(الحمامة المطوقة) ص 38-39-40
Social Studies (E)Unit 5
Lesson 5
Manners to Avoid Pages 132-135
Page 135 Questions: 5-7
ScienceUnit 3 : evidence from rocks and fossils
Pages 30-31
EnglishVocabulary Strategy
Proverb & Adages
Page 300
Reading Fluency:
“Energy Island” Pages 458-476
Reading Analysis Part 2
-Practice reading the text “Energy Island”
MathematicsL14.1: Draw Points, Lines, and Rays.
Pg. 873- 874
Arabicإملاء غيبي
Social Studies (E)Leader In Me [ The 7 Habits]
Writing Mission Statement
FrenchSuite de la leçon de grammaire: les verbes du premier groupe
Livre: « Méthode de français » page 25
Social Studiesآدم و نوح عليهم السلام
ScienceUnit 3 : evidence from rocks and fossils
Pages 32
EnglishDictation & Centers-Practice reading the text “Energy Island” Pages 458-476

You are required to do a research (details will be sent on Edunation) and the submission due date is Thursday 16/5/2024
Islamic Studiesصفه ضحك النبي