Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification
Study very well for the Math Quiz #1, on Tuesday 26/3/2024. The included lessons are: L5.9, L5.10, L5.11, L5.12, L5.13, and L5.14.

Grade: الأول إبتدائي بنين / A

DATE: 24-mar-2024 /

WEEK : 4

MathematicsL6.8: Relate Addition and Subtraction of Tens. Pg.491-492
Holy Qur'anقرآن حفظ سورة الهمزة 8
Arabicالتقويم التجميعي + مدخل الوحدة ص٥٤-٥٥-٥٩-٦٠-٦١
Social Studies (E)Unit 5 - Lesson 4 - The Weather (Pgs. 120 - 123)
ScienceUnit 3 lesson 2 pg. 33, 34.
EnglishHigh Frequency Words (HFW)
(found, hard, near, woman, would, write, clever, signal)
Practice Book pg. 323
Take Home Story (Practice Book)
“A New Puppy” pgs. 329-330
Reading Fluency
Practice Book: pgs.324
MathematicsL6.8: Relate Addition and Subtraction of Tens. Pg.493-494H.W Pg.495-496
Arabicدرس التعاون ص٦٣-٦٤التدريب على قراءة ص ٦٣-٦٤
ScienceUnit 3 lesson 2 pg. 34, 35
Practice Book V#2
Long e: y,ey
*Phonics pgs. 313,315
*Spelling pgs. 316, 318
Reading Fluency
Practice Book: pgs 319,320

..Research Submission
Islamic Studiesفقة الوضوء
MathematicsMath Quiz #1 Included Lessons : L5.9:Count by Fives Using Nickels (pg.397-402) L5.10:Use Models to Compare Numbers(pg.403-408) L5.11:Use Symbols to Compare Numbers (pg.409-414) L5.12:Numbers to 120(pg.417-422) L5.13:Count to 120 (pg.423-428) L5.14:Read and Write Numbers to 120(pg.429-434)
Holy Qur'anقرآن حفظ سورة الهمزة 9
Arabicأجيب + أنمي لغتي ص ٦٥-٦٦
Social Studies (E)Unit 5 - Lesson 5 - Our Environment (Pgs. 124 - 127)HOMEWORK - Unit 5 Review- Pgs. 130 - 131
ScienceUnit 3 lesson 3 pg. 38, 39
Practice Book V#2
* Adverbs That Tell When
pgs. 326, 327
Reading Fluency
*Worksheet (English File)
MathematicsL8.1: Compare Lengths. Pg.563-566H.W Pg.567-568
Holy Qur'anمراجعة سورة الهمزة 1-9
Arabicالأحظ + الخط + إنجازاتي ص ٦٧-٦٨-٦٩التدريب على الإملاء( خرج الضب صباحًا من جحره بعد بيات شتوي طويل يبحث عن طعام)
ComputerChapter 5: Lesson 4: Pg. 76 - 77
ScienceUnit 3 lesson 3 pg. 40, 41
EnglishReading Comprehension and Vocabulary Booklet
“A New Friend”
Composition Booklet pg.19
MathematicsL8.2: Compare and Order Lengths. Pg.569-570
Arabicإملاء + تقويم قرائي
ScienceUnit 3 lesson 3 pg. 41, 42
+ correction of worksheet 11 in class
EnglishReading Book Unit 1.4
Animals Everywhere
Week 4. Insects!
“” (Chapter 3) Pgs. 112-123
Essential Question:
What insects do you know? How are they alike and different?
Genre: fantasy
Reading analysis worksheet

Reading Fluency
Reading Book
Reread the story” Hi! Fly Guy “ pgs. 112-123
Islamic Studiesتوحيد حل تقويم محمد صلى اىلله عليه وسلم نبيي