Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification
Study very well for the Math Quiz #1, on Tuesday 26/3/2024. The included lessons are: L7.9, L8.1, L8.2, and L8.3.

Grade: الثاني إبتدائي بنات / B

DATE: 24-mar-2024 /

WEEK : 4

MathematicsL9.7: Make Line Plots Pg. 569-570
+ L9.8: Analyze Line Plots Pg. 573-574
L9.7: Make Line Plots Homework pg. 571-572
Holy Qur'anقرآن - تسميع سورة الضحى 6-8الاستماع لقارئ مجوّد و الحرص على التسميع في الوقت المحدد
Arabicتقييم قراءة نص ( الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم قدوتي في الصدق) ص٣٨-٣٩-٤٠حل سجل لغتي ص ٨-٩-١٠
ScienceUnit 4 , Module 1 , Lesson 2 pg.28,29,32.Worksheet 2 will be distributed today, kindly solve it and return it this Thursday.
English- Phonics: Reading Fluency:

Literature Book:
Grace for President
pages 406-425

Diphthongs oy, oi pgs. 362-363

High Frequency words: Pg. 348
Practice reading the story:
-Reading Fluency:
Literature Book:
Grace for President
pages 406-425
MathematicsL9.8: Analyze Line Plots Pg. 575-576L9.8: Analyze Line Plots Homework pg. 577-578
Holy Qur'anقرآن - حفظ سورة الضحى 9-11الاستماع لقارئ مجوّد وحفظ الآيات جيداً والتسميع يوم الاربعاء
Arabicالتقويم التجميعي ص٥٠-٥١التدرب على الإملاء ص ٤٣ فقرة رقم ١ ( من كلمة وقف ... إلى بذلك)
ScienceUnit 4 , Module 1 , Lesson 2 pg.32,33.
English- Reading Fluency:
Literature Book:
Grace for President
pages 406-425

Grammar: Pronouns (Singular, Plural) pgs.353, 354
MathematicsMath Quiz 1 The Included lessons are: Chapter 7: Subtract Three-Digit Numbers
L7.9: Subtract Across Zeros (pg. 463-468)
Chapter 8: Money
L8.1: Pennies, Nickels, and Dimes (pg. 483-488)
L8.2: Quarters (pg. 489-494)
L8.3: Count Coins (pg. 495-500)
ScienceUnit 4 , Module 1 , Lesson 2 pg.38,39.
English- Reading Fluency:
Literature Book:
Grace for President
pages 406-425
Genre: Realistic fiction
Essential Question: What do good citizens do? P.406

Structural Analysis:
Irregular Plurals- Pg. 347

Vocabulary Words VB. Pages 48-49
Islamic Studiesدراسات إسلامية - استقبال القبلة و استفتاح الصلاةالحرص على إحضار الكتاب
MathematicsL10.1: Time to the Hour Pg. 593-594
Holy Qur'anقرآن - تسميع سورة الضحى 9-11الاستماع لقارئ مجوّد و الحرص على التسميع في الوقت المحدد
Arabicالتقويم التجميعي ص٥٢
Social Studies (E)Unit 5 - Lesson 4 Weather and Climate (Brush-up) Pg. 128 - 131
ComputerChapter 4: Practice on Lessons 1-3
ScienceUnit 4 , Module 1 , Lesson 2 pg.39,44.
English- Reading Analysis:
Literature Book:
Grace for President
pages 406-425
- Writing Final Draft
- Kindly submit your research
MathematicsL10.1: Time to the Hour Pg. 595-596L10.1: Time to the Hour Homework pg. 597-598
Holy Qur'anقرآن - مراجعة سورة الضحى كاملةمراجعة السورة كاملة والاستماع لقارئ مجوّد و الحرص على التسميع في الوقت المحدد
Arabicنص الاستماع ص٥٨-٥٩-٦٠-٦١
Social Studies (E)Unit 5- Lesson 5 Helping the Environment Pg. 132 - 135HOMEWORK - Unit 5 review - Pg. 138 - 139
ScienceUnit 4 , Module 1 , Lesson 2 pg.44,45.Eid Mubarak enjoy!
EnglishWriting: Procedural Writing (How-To Writing) WB. Final DraftEnjoy your weekend
Read a book for 10 minutes.