Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification
Study very well for the Math Test#1, on Monday 22/4/2024. For included lessons, kindly check the study guide.
المذاكرة جيداً و الاستعداد لاختبار الدراسات الإسلامية يوم الأحد
Research 2: Surf the internet to find out information about Africa(1.1)-Hawaii(1.2) You can create your own posters about the chosen topic for each class that show the traditional food, clothes and main cities. It is due 13/5/2024.

Grade: الأول إبتدائي بنات / A

DATE: 21-apr-2024 /

WEEK : 6

MathematicsL8.5: Time to the Hour: Analog Pg. 589-592
Arabicإملاء (خَرَجَ الضَّبُّ صَبَاحًا مِنْ جُحْرِهِ بَعْدَ بَيَاتٍ شِتْوِيٍّ طَوِيلٍ)
Social Studies (E)Unit 6 - Lesson 2 - Everyone Has something Special - Pgs. 138 - 141
ScienceContinue Worksheet 12 in the science booklet.Kindly bring Unit 4 science book tomorrow on Monday.
Practice Book V#2
r-Controlled Vowels: or,ir,ur,er
*Phonics pgs. 350-351-352
*Spelling pgs. 354-355
Reading Fluency
Islamic Studiesاختبار منتصف الفصل
من درس أحب الإسلام ص12
إلى درس فضل الوضوء ص27
MathematicsMath Test #1, kindly check the study guide.
Holy Qur'anقرآن - حفظ سورة القارعة آية 4الاستماع لقارئ مجوّد وحفظ الآيات جيداً و التسميع يوم الاربعاء
Arabicأنمتي لغتي +الخط ص68+ إنجازاتي ص69التدرب على قراءة النص ص63
Social Studies (E)Oral Revision for Midterm
ScienceUnit 4, lesson 1 pg.8,9,10.
Practice Book V#2
* Adjectives
pgs. 362-363
Reading Fluency
MathematicsL8.6: Time to the Hour: Digital Pg. 595-596
Arabicتقييم قراءة درس التعاون ص63
ScienceUnit 4, lesson 1 pg.11,12.
Composition Booklet
* Write a paragraph
High Frequency Words (HFW)
(four-none-only-large-put-round-trouble- whole)
Practice Book pg. 341
Take Home Story (Practice Book)
“The Party” pgs. 347-348
Islamic Studiesدراسات إسلامية - مكانة الصلاةالحرص على إحضار الكتاب
MathematicsL8.6: Time to the Hour: Digital Pg. 597-598
Holy Qur'anقرآن - تسميع سورة القارعة آية 4الاستماع لقارئ مجوّد و الحرص على التسميع في الوقت المحدد
ScienceUnit 4, lesson 1 pg.12,13.
EnglishHigh Frequency Words (HFW)
Practice Book pg. 359
Take Home Story (Practice Book)
“A Bunny Wish” pgs. 365-366
Reading Fluency
MathematicsL8.7: Time to the Half Hour: Analog Pg. 601-602
Holy Qur'anقرآن - حفظ سورة القارعة آية 5الاستماع لقارئ مجوّد وحفظ الآيات جيداً و التسميع يوم الاحد
Arabicالخروف والذئب ص70-71
ComputerMidterm Exam
ScienceUnit 4, lesson 1 pg.13,14.
EnglishReading Book Unit 1.4
Figure It Out
Week 1. See It, Sort It
“A Lost Button” pgs. 141-147
Essential Question:
How can can we classify and categorize things?
Genre: fantasy
Reading analysis worksheet

Reading Fluency
Reading Book
Reread the story” A Lost Button “ pgs. 141-147