Weekly Plan and Assignment Notification
Study very well for the Math Quiz #1, on Tuesday 26/3/2024. The included lessons are: L5.9, L5.10, L5.11, L5.12, L5.13, and L5.14.

Grade: الأول إبتدائي بنات / A

DATE: 24-mar-2024 /

WEEK : 4

MathematicsL6.8: Relate Addition and Subtraction of Tens Pg. 491-494L6.8: Relate Addition and Subtraction of Tens Homework pg. 495-496
Holy Qur'anقرآن - حفظ سورة التكاثر آية7الاستماع لقارئ مجوّد وحفظ الآيات جيداً والتسميع يوم الاثنين
Arabicإملاء ص37التدرب على قراءة النص ص33-34
Social Studies (E)Unit 5 - Lesson 4 - The Weather (Pgs. 120 - 123)
ScienceUnit 3 , Lesson 2 pg. 33,34.
Practice Book V#2
Long e: y,ey
*Phonics pgs. 313,315
*Spelling pgs. 316, 318
Reading Fluency
* Practice Book: pgs 319,320
MathematicsL8.1: Compare Lengths Pg. 563-564
Holy Qur'anقرآن - تسميع سورة التكاثر آية 7الاستماع لقارئ مجوّد و الحرص على التسميع في الوقت المحدد
Arabicتقييم قراءة (عيادة المريض) ص33-34
Social Studies (E)Unit 5 - Lesson 5 - Our Environment (Pgs. 124 - 127)HOMEWORK - Unit 5 Review- Pgs. 130 - 131
ScienceUnit 3 , Lesson 2 pg. 34,35.Don't forget to solve Worksheet 11 in the science booklet.
Practice Book V#2
* Adverbs That Tell When
pgs. 326, 327
Reading Fluency
*Worksheet (English File)
MathematicsMath Quiz 1 The Included lessons are: Chapter 5: Place Value
L5.9: Count by Fives Using Nickels (pg. 397-402)
L5.10: Use Models to Compare Numbers (pg. 403-408)
L5.11: Use Symbols to Compare Numbers (pg. 409-414)
L5.12: Numbers to 120 (pg. 417-422)
L5.13: Count to 120 (pg. 423-428)
L5.14: Read and Write Numbers to 120 (pg. 429-434)
Arabicأعضاء جسمي + أنمي لغتي ص46 + أفكر ص47التدرب على قراءة النص ص43
ScienceUnit 3 , Lesson 3 pg. 38,39.
EnglishReading Comprehension and Vocabulary Booklet
“A New Friend”
Composition Booklet pg.19
Islamic Studiesدرسات إسلامية - فضل الوضوءالحرص على إحضار الكتاب
MathematicsL8.1: Compare Lengths Pg. 565-566L8.1: Compare Lengths Homework pg. 567-568
Holy Qur'anقرآن - حفظ سورة التكاثر آية 8الاستماع لقارئ مجوّد وحفظ الآيات جيداً والتسميع يوم الخميس
Arabicألاحظ ص47 + أحول ص49
ScienceUnit 3 , Lesson 3 pg. 40,41.Don't forget to solve Worksheet 11 in the science booklet.
EnglishHigh Frequency Words (HFW)
(found, hard, near, woman, would, write, clever, signal)
Practice Book pg. 323
Take Home Story (Practice Book)
“A New Puppy” pgs. 329-330
Reading Fluency
Practice Book: pgs.324
MathematicsL8.2: Compare and Order Lengths Pg. 569-570
Holy Qur'anقرآن - تسميع سورة التكاثر آية 8 + مراجعة السورة كاملةمراجعة السورة كاملة والاستماع لقارئ مجوّد و الحرص على التسميع في الوقت المحدد
Arabicالخط + إنجازاتيحل ورقة العمل في سجل لغتي ص9
ComputerChapter 5: Lesson 4: Pg. 76 - 77
ScienceUnit 3 , Lesson 3 pg. 41,42+ correct Worksheet 11 in the science booklet.Eid Mubarak Enjoy!
EnglishReading Book Unit 1.4
Animals Everywhere
Week 4. Insects!
“” (Chapter 3) Pgs. 112-123
Essential Question:
What insects do you know? How are they alike and different?
Genre: fantasy
Reading analysis worksheet

Reading Fluency
Reading Book
Reread the story” Hi! Fly Guy “ pgs. 112-123

..Research submission